
Are you interested in learning more about, applying for membership in, or just getting in contact with AHO? Use this form to send us a general question/comment about AHO or to nominate an institution or individual for alliance membership. Use the subject field below to indicate your intended use; the form will automatically reconfigure itself depending on your selection.

Prospective AHO members should review our alliance membership criteria (see below) to inform your form submissions.

Two types of members: “Voting” and “Associate” (ref Bylaws Article 3).

A. Voting/regular member criteria

  1. Be widely recognized as an astronomical observatory (i.e. individuals are not eligible to the regular members, but rather may be designated as Associate members, and potentially Special Delegates)
  2. Having been in existence for a minimum amount of time (e.g. be older than say ~50 – 70 years)
  3. Be widely recognized as having made historic and on-going contributions to one or more of the following:
    • astronomy, astrophysics, or closely related disciplines;
    • public engagement and/or information on astronomy or closely related disciplines;
    • and/or having notably served the public, national, or international interests through the application of astronomy or closely-related disciplines
  4. Attest to institutional objectives that are well-aligned with AHO stated objectives
  5. Maintain compliance with AHO Member criteria and responsibilities
  6. Have current active programs in astronomical research, public engagement in astronomy, or serve the public, national or international interests through the application of astronomy

B. Associate member criteria

  1. For organizations: Meet several of the organizational criteria listed above, or
  2. Be engaged either as an organization or an individual in activities that are closely aligned with AHO objectives such as:
    • The restoration, maintenance, curation. and/or stewardship of astronomy-related historical artifacts, practices, facilities, and/or data (e.g. photographic plates, observing logs)
    • Educational and/or public engagement activities that disseminate astronomy or related disciplines including methods and techniques
    • Philanthropic support of organizations or initiatives that align with AHO objectives
  3. For individuals: Be recognized as an individual who has made substantive contributions to AHO formation, organization, and/or objectives
  4. Maintain compliance with AHO Associate Member criteria and responsibilities
A.1: Described as an astronomical observatory
A.2: Age > 50 years
A.3: Historic contributions in astronomy, public engagement, service
A.4: Objectives aligned with AHO
A.5: Compliance with AHO responsibilities
A.6: Current active programs

B.1: Institution meets voting criteria (as described in A)
B.2: Active engagement in activities aligned with AHO
B.3: Existing AHO contributions
B.4: Compliance with AHO responsibilities

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